Name; "Lucky Charm" Luca / Age; 22 / Height; 5'6" (168cm) -- Level 7 Race; Human / Class; Cleric (Trickery) / Background; Gambler / Chaotic Good

A Tymora follower, the goddess of good fortune, Luca is a firm believer in the power of luck. She's a gambler, can't resist a good game of chance or ignore a wager, nor can Luca miss the moment to play a little prank on companions or poke fun at her enemies in combat. Though the whims of favor excite her, she's no stranger to using whatever tricks she can to shift the odds in her direction, even the very magic granted to her as one of Tymora's clerics. Luca also carries a silver longsword, named Silver Tear, mimicking the one Tymora used in legend, that can supposedly grant its wielder a single Wish. She's had plenty success as a mercenary, and all of these things combined is how Luca came to be nicknamed the "Lucky Charm."

Cleric/Trickster Abilities; Holy Spellcasting, throwing divine energy, destroying Undead, divine energy infused into weapon strikes. / Blessing of stealth, creating near-perfect self duplicates, trading places with copies at-will.

Cleric/Trickster Spells; (Cantrips) Guidance, Light, Mending, Toll the Dead. (1st) Bless, Cure Wounds, Command, Guiding Bolt, Charm Person, Disguise Self. (2nd) Aid, Enhance Ability, Spiritual Weapon, Invisibility, Pass without Trace. (3rd) Aura of Vitality, Incite Greed, Bestow Curse, Hypnotic Pattern, Nondetection. (4th) Banishment, Confusion, Dimension Door.

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